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(absolute-child-number snl)

Returns one plus the number of nodes preceding snl. This is similar to child-number, but it also counts siblings with a GI different from that of snl.

;; -- Similar to child-number, but also counts siblings with a GI
;; -- different than that of 'snl'.
(define (absolute-child-number snl)
  (+ 1 (node-list-length (preced snl))) )


(ancestor-member snl gilist)

Returns the node that is the first ancestor of snl (including snl itself) whose GI is in the gilist list of strings, otherwise returns an empty node list.

(define (ancestor-member snl gilist)
  ;; Return the first ancestor of nd whose GI is in gilist
  (if (node-list-empty? snl)
      (if (member (gi snl) gilist)
	  (ancestror-member (parent snl) gilist))))


(ancestors nl)

Returns a node-list containing all ancestors of nl.

The DSSSL standard has a typo in the definition of the function ancestors. The following is the corrected logic -- the third last line used to read "(loop (parent snl)" which caused an infinite loop.

(define (ancestors nl)
  (node-list-map (lambda (snl)
                   (let loop ((cur (parent snl))
                              (result (empty-node-list)))
                     (if (node-list-empty? cur)
                         (loop (parent cur)
                               (node-list cur result)))))


(get-str-attr attr-nm osnl)

Returns the string value of attribute attr-nm of node osnl. Returns "ERROR: ..." if attr-nm is not defined at osnl.

(define (get-string-attr attr-nm #!optional (osnl (current-node)))
  (or (attribute-string attr-nm osnl)
      (string-append "ERROR: No Attr " attr-nm) ))


(get-str-attr-no-err attr-nm osnl)

Returns the string value of attribute attr-nm of node osnl. Returns an empty string if attr-nm is not defined at osnl.

(define (get-str-attr-no-err attr-nm #!optional (osnl (current-node)))
  (or (attribute-string attr-nm osnl) "") )


(get-numeric-attr attr-nm osnl)

Returns the numeric value of attribute attr-nm of node osnl. Returns -1 if attr-nm is not defined at osnl.

(define (get-numeric-attr attr-nm #!optional (osnl (current-node)))
  (let ((a-str (attribute-string attr-nm osnl)))
    (if a-str (string->number a-str)  -1) ))


(has-ancestor-member? nd gilist)

Returns #t if the nd node has an ancestor whose GI is included in the gilist list of strings.

(define (has-ancestor-member? nd gilist)
  ;; Return #t if nd has an ancestor in gilist
  (node-list-empty? (ancestor-member nd gilist)))


(has-child? gi snl)

Returns #t if snl has a child node with GI gi. Returns #f otherwise.

(define (has-child? gi snl)
  (not (node-list-empty? (select-elements gi (children snl)))) )


(map-node-list->list f nl)

Returns a list that is the result of mapping procedure f over node-list nl.

;; Map function `f' over node list `nl', returning an ordinary list.
;; (No node list constructor in Jade.)
(define (map-node-list->list f nl)
  (if (node-list-empty? nl)
      (cons (f (node-list-first nl))
            (map-node-list->list f (node-list-rest nl)))))


(match-element? pattern snl)

This is a standard DSSSL procedure not currently available in Jade. See section 10.2.5 of the DSSSL standard for complete semantics of this function.

(define (match-element? pattern snl)
  (if (node-list-empty? (select-elements snl pattern)) #f #t) )


(match-siblings osnl)

Returns a node-list of siblings of osnl, or of the current node if osnl is not specified, with the same GI as the node.

;; Node list of siblings with the same GI as node
(define (matching-siblings #!optional (node (current-node)))
  (select-elements (siblings node) (gi node)))


(next-matching-node osnl)

Returns either the following sibling with the same GI as osnl (or of the current node if osnl is not supplied) or an empty node-list if there is no following matching sibling.

;; Return the following sibling with the same GI as `node' (or the
;; empty node list if none found).
(define (next-matching-node #!optional (node (current-node)))
  (node-list-ref (matching-siblings)


(node-list-filter-by-gi nodelist gilist)

Returns the node list of the elements in the node-list node list whose GI is included in the gilist list of strings.

(define (node-list-filter-by-gi nodelist gilist)
  ;; Returns the node-list that contains every element of the original
  ;; nodelist whose gi is in gilist
  (let loop ((result (empty-node-list)) (nl nodelist))
    (if (node-list-empty? nl)
	(if (member (gi (node-list-first nl)) gilist)
	    (loop (node-list result (node-list-first nl)) 
		  (node-list-rest nl))
	    (loop result (node-list-rest nl))))))


(prev-matching-node osnl)

Returns either the previous sibling with the same GI as osnl (or of the current node if osnl is not supplied) or an empty node-list if there is no previous matching sibling.

;; Return the preceding sibling with the same GI as `node' or the
;; empty node list.
(define (prev-matching-node #!optional (osnl (current-node)))
  (node-list-ref (matching-siblings)
                 (- (child-number osnl) 2)))


(previous-element osnl)

Returns either a singleton node-list containing the previous sibling of osnl, or an empty node-list if osnl is the first sibling.

;; In the absence of the full node machinery, return the preceding
;; sibling of `node' which is an element (or the empty node list if
;; none found).
(define (previous-element #!optional (node (current-node)))
  ;; cdr down the siblings keeping track of the last element node
  ;; visited and check the current car against `node'; if it matches,
  ;; return the noted previous.
  (let ((first (node-list-first (siblings))))
    (let loop ((previous (if (gi first)
               (current (node-list-rest (siblings))))
      (cond ((node-list-empty? current)
            ((node-list=? node (node-list-first current)) ; got it
            (else (loop (if (gi (node-list-first current))
                            (node-list-first current)
                        (node-list-rest current)))))))


(siblings osnl)

Returns a node-list containing the siblings of osnl, including osnl itself.

(define (siblings #!optional (osnl (current-node)))
  (children (parent osnl)))

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