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Sibling rivalry

From: "William D. Lindsey" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 1997 19:46:59 -0700

Hi Jon,

I'm not posting this to the list, as another message I posted
earlier has much of the same code.  If you had seen it, maybe
you would have recognized a solution.

Maybe this will work for you ... I've used the "my-preced"
function with jade in order to fetch attributes, it works OK, but 
I don't know if you need to do  anything about namecase normalization
before testing your GI.

   (define ($vc-wfc$ vc-or-wfc)
     (if (eq? (gi (my-preced (current-node))) "RHS")
	 (make paragraph
	       font-family-name: %title-font-family%
	       font-size: 9pt
	       start-indent: 1pi
	       first-line-start-indent: -1pi
		 (string-append "[" vc-or-wfc ": "))
		(literal "]")))
	 (make cell
	       ;; whatever you want

;; my-preced : substitute for ipreced in jade-0.5
;; different from ipreced in that it works on a singleton node list.
;; returns the preceding sibling element or empty node list if
;;  this is the first child.

(define (my-preced snl)
  (let loop ((scanned (empty-node-list))
	     (rest (siblings snl)))
    (cond ((node-list-empty? rest)
	  ((node-list=? (node-list-first rest) snl)
	   (loop (node-list-first rest)
		 (node-list-rest rest))))))

;;   a couple of necessary utilities
;; 1) get the list of sibling elements (assumes origin == parent,
;;                                   in other words we're content)

(define (siblings snl)
  (children (parent snl)))

;; 2) (empty-node-list)
;; what a silly hack
;; this doesn't seem to have been supplied with jade, so we go find
;;  an empty node list at the tail of the "current-node" node-list.

(define (empty-node-list)      
  (let loop ((enl (current-node)))
    (if (node-list-empty? enl)
	(loop (node-list-rest enl)))))

Hope this helps,


Jon Bosak writes:
 > I'm formatting the latest version of the XML spec and have hit a wall
 > in handling the productions.
 > In the old version of the spec, a production had a left hand side and
 > one or more right hand sides, with each right hand side optionally
 > followed by a comment, a validity check, or a well-formedness check.
 >    <!element prod (lhs,(rhs,(com | wfc | vc)?)+)>
 > This was handled by the following code:
 >    (element PROD
 >      (make table
 > 	   (make table-column
 > 		 width: 2pi)
 > 	   (make table-column
 > 		 width: 7pi)
 > 	   (make table-column
 > 		 width: 1.5pi)
 > 	   (make table-column
 > 		 width: 16.5pi)
 > 	   (make table-column
 > 		 width: 9pi)
 > 	   (process-children-trim)))
 >    (element LHS
 >      (sosofo-append
 >       (make table-cell
 > 	    column-number: 1
 > 	    font-weight: 'bold
 > 	    (make paragraph
 > 		  use: para-style
 > 		  start-indent: 0pt
 > 		  font-weight: 'bold
 > 		  (literal
 > 		   (string-append
 > 		    "["
 > 		    (number->string (element-number (ancestor "PROD")))
 > 		    "]"))))
 >       (make table-cell
 > 	    column-number: 2
 > 	    (make paragraph
 > 		  use: monopara-style
 > 		  font-weight: 'bold
 > 		  (process-children-trim)))
 >       (make table-cell
 > 	    column-number: 3
 > 	    (make paragraph
 > 		  start-indent: 0pt
 > 		  (literal ":=")))))
 >    (element RHS
 >      (make table-cell
 > 	   starts-row?: (not (first-sibling?))
 > 	   column-number: 4
 > 	   n-columns-spanned: (if (absolute-last-sibling?) 2 1)
 > 	   (make paragraph
 > 		 use: monopara-style
 > 		 (process-children-trim))))
 >    (element COM
 >      (make table-cell
 > 	   column-number: 5
 > 	   (make paragraph
 > 		 use: para-style
 > 		 font-posture: 'italic
 > 		 start-indent: 0pt
 > 		 (sosofo-append
 > 		  (literal "/* ")
 > 		  (process-children-trim)
 > 		  (literal " */")))))
 >    (define ($vc-wfc$ vc-or-wfc)
 >      (make table-cell
 > 	   column-number: 5
 > 	   (make paragraph
 > 		 font-family-name: %title-font-family%
 > 		 font-size: 9pt
 > 		 start-indent: 1pi
 > 		 first-line-start-indent: -1pi
 > 		 (sosofo-append
 > 		  (literal
 > 		   (string-append "[" vc-or-wfc ": "))
 > 		  (process-children-trim)
 > 		  (literal "]")))))
 >    (element VC ($vc-wfc$ "VC"))
 >    (element WFC ($vc-wfc$ "WFC"))
 > Now, however, the editors are allowing multiple comments and/or
 > validity checks and/or well-formedness checks to follow each RHS:
 >    <!element prod (lhs,(rhs,(com | wfc | vc)*)+)>
 > For example:
 >    <prod><lhs id='NT-Attribute'>Attribute</lhs>
 >    <rhs><nt def='NT-Name'>Name</nt> <nt def='NT-Eq'>Eq</nt> 
 >    <nt def='NT-AttValue'>AttValue</nt></rhs>
 >    <vc name='Attribute Value Type'>Attribute Value Type</vc>
 >    <wfc name='No External Entities References'>No External Entity 
 >    References</wfc></prod> 
 > What I want to do here is to create a new cell only if the COM, VC, or
 > WFC is the first one following the close of an RHS, and to create just
 > a paragraph if it's not.  But I don't see any function in the core
 > query language that will let me do this.
 > The alternative is to create a new container for the optional stuff
 > following the RHS, let's call it PINFO:
 >    <!element prod (lhs,(rhs,(pinfo)*)+)>
 >    <!element pinfo (com | wfc | vc)+ >
 > Suddenly life for the stylesheet designer becomes much easier:
 >    (element PINFO
 >      (make table-cell
 > 	   column-number: 5
 > 	   (process-children)))
 >    (element COM
 >      (make paragraph
 > 	   use: para-style
 > 	   font-posture: 'italic
 > 	   start-indent: 0pt
 > 	   (sosofo-append
 > 	    (literal "/* ")
 > 	    (process-children-trim)
 > 	    (literal " */"))))
 >    (define ($vc-wfc$ vc-or-wfc)
 >      (make paragraph
 > 	   font-family-name: %title-font-family%
 > 	   font-size: 9pt
 > 	   start-indent: 1pi
 > 	   first-line-start-indent: -1pi
 > 	   (sosofo-append
 > 	    (literal
 > 	     (string-append "[" vc-or-wfc ": "))
 > 	    (process-children-trim)
 > 	    (literal "]"))))
 >    (element VC ($vc-wfc$ "VC"))
 >    (element WFC ($vc-wfc$ "WFC"))
 > Unfortunately, life for the draft editors suddenly becomes much more
 > difficult, and it appears that a quick perl hack isn't going to solve
 > the problem.  (The eds seem to have commented out arbitrary spans
 > within the productions...)
 > Does anyone see a stylesheet solution to this problem, or am I going
 > to have to make the editors unhappy?
 > (If you see a solution, mail me directly as well as responding to the
 > list; I subscribe by daily digest, and I'd like to find out sooner
 > rather than later.)
 > Jon

William D. Lindsey
[email protected]
+1 (303) 672-8954