slide 7

One XML Document and Many Results


 <section id="F8493842" lastupdate="2001-05-22">
 A <keyterm>compound</keyterm> is a 
 substance containing at least two elements combined 
 chemically in definite proportions by mass. A compound 
 can be chemically broken up into its constituent elements 
 or simpler compounds. There are two types of compounds, 
 <term>ionic</term> and <term>molecular</term>.
 Testbank <testgroup>GDW</testgroup> 
 <para>An <keyterm>ion</keyterm> 
 (<pronunc>eye-on</pronunc>) is an atom or group of 
 atoms that is positively or negatively charged. A 
 negatively charged ion is an <keyterm>anion</keyterm> 
 (pronounced <pronunc>an-eye-on</pronunc>) while a 
 positively charged ion is a <keyterm>cation</keyterm> 
 (pronounced <pronunc>cat-eye-on</pronunc>). An 
 <keyterm>ionic compound</keyterm> is a compound that 
 is held together by the attractive forces between 
 positively and negatively charged ions.
 Testbank <testgroup>GDW</testgroup> 
 <question>7</question> ionic compounds</question-group>, 
 <question-group><question>9</question> cations<question-group>. 
 <question>26</question> anions<question-group>